Action Against Bullying
Thank you very much to the 84 parents who took the time to complete the Action Against Bullying questionnaire which was circulated last week. The questionnaire feedback (which we took from parents, staff, pupils and governors) gave a really positive picture of the school, as well as giving us areas to continue to work on, which form part of our new action plan.
We undertook our assessment this morning, which looked at our previous action plan, impact of the work over the last 3 year, questionnaire responses and our action plan moving forward. Gill Venables, the assessor, was particularly impressed by the attitudes of the children and our work through assemblies, visitors and PHSE to address anti-bullying. She noted the national difficulty identifying the differences between bullying and falling out, and commended the school’s work so far to address this, which will continue.
We are delighted to announce our successful re-accreditation today.
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