Forest School

Say hello to 'Mr Autumn'!

Every week, a child from each class receives a special Merit Certificate in our weekly Merit Assembly in recognition of outstanding effort, progress, achievement, attitude or behaviour at school that week. These children choose a friend and spend an hour with Mrs Jones outside in our Forest School area. This year so far, children have made autumn art, created Mr Autumn and put together bird feeders, all with natural materials found around school. What a treat! 

Next time you are in the school hall, take a look our Mr Autumn on the wall by the kitchen. He is based on the poem 'Sir Autumn' by Grace Nicholls:

Sir Autumn

by Grace Nichols

Sir Autumn is in the garden moving around –

the fallen leaves his cape

of rustling ochre, golden brown.


Sir Autumn is chuffed to see the branches

of the pear tree weighed down

with firm ripe bulbs;


The apple tree with sweet tinted promises;

the Horse Chestnut spilling everywhere

its conker jewels. Ah! Such riches.


How Sir Autumn relished his season’s abundance.

But waiting in the wings, Lady Winter thinks –

It’s my turn now, good riddance’.