Say No to Bullying
Anti-Bullying Week happens in schools across England each November. We have been thinking about this year's theme 'Change Starts With Us' in our assemblies this week. The week is co-ordinated across the country by the Anti-Bullying Alliance ( Their theme aims were as follows:
Small change. Big difference.
Whether it is verbal, physical, online or in-person, bullying has a significant impact on a child’s life well in to adulthood. By making small, simple changes, we can break this cycle and create a safe environment for everyone. Because together, we can challenge bullying. Change starts with a conversation. It starts with checking in. It starts with work together.
Change starts here.
Change starts now.
Change starts with us.
It takes a collective responsibility to stop bullying. We want to create empowering, positive messages addressing the fact that when it comes to bullying CHANGE STARTS WITH US!
Childline also some have useful guidance and support for children who are being bullied, seeing bullying going on, or are doing the bullying themselves, and can be found at .