Christmas Dinner! Wed. 16th Dec.

Christmas Dinner - This is always a very festive occasion and I would really like all of the children to take part this year. 
Seasonal Roast Turkey served with Bacon wrapped Sausages
Roast Potatoes
Creamed Potatoes
Peas and Carrots
Sage & Onion Stuffing
Vegetarian option – Quorn Sausages
Festive Chocolate Iced Sponge & Custard
Homemade Christmas Tree Shortbread
Biscuits & Custard
Vanilla Ice Cream
Children who receive free school meals are not expected to pay.
There is NO additional charge for those children who normally have a school dinner.
1. If you pay WEEKLY you should pay the usual amount of £10.50 via Parent Pay on Monday 14th December.
2. If your child normally has sandwiches the cost of a Christmas Lunch is £2.10. You will need to pay this by Tuesday 8th December via Parent
Pay, in order that the kitchen knows how many children they are catering for.
3. If your child requires a vegetarian meal or there is any other information you wish to inform us about please contact the office via Parent Pay.
This can be done by selecting 'I want to' from the home screen, then 'View Communication' then 'Contact School'
Please note: this year we will be asking the children to select their pudding choice in school.

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