Latest News

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  • 25/09/24

    The Year 6 Journey

    Y6 teachers shared with parents key information about what will be going on in Year 6 over the year. The move into Y6 can be daunting – but it really doesn’t have to be! Being in Y6 truly is the most memorable time in your child’s primary education. What will my child do...
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  • 17/09/24

    House Captains and Vice-Captains

    The democratic process was in action last week. Each house gathered together from Y3-6 and voted for their house captains and vice captains. The successful candidates will represent the school and demonstrate the TRJS values in all they do in this special role. Well done, everyone; it must be a very...
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  • 28/08/24

    School starts Wednesday 4th Sept

    We can't wait to welcome you back to school for the new school year on Wednesday 4th September. Staff have been hard at work over the summer holiday getting school ready for your return. We have lots of exciting plans for you over the year. Welcome to our new Y3s who we know are going to th...
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  • 02/05/24

    Discovering the Tomb

    Imagine you are part of the excavation team led by Howard Carter in 1922, as they first caught sight of the glorious golden treasures of Tutankhamun’s tomb that had lain undisturbed for some 3,000 years. In teams, you will be entering the ‘tomb’ with torches and seeing what artefac...
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  • 19/04/24

    Ukuleles with Barton Music Makers

    On Monday, representatives from Barton Music Makers joined us in assembly to present the school with a very generous donation to help us buy 49 new ukuleles to be used by Year 5 during our whole class music lessons.  Barton Music Makers have supported TRJS over a number of years through donatio...
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  • 12/04/24

    Wise Words

    This week in assemblies we have been thinking about the big question: How do sacred writings affect the behaviour of believers?  We discussed the importance of Ramadan as remembering the month when the Qur'an was first given to the Prophet Muhammad from Allah.  We learnt...
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  • 01/03/24

    Speak Out, Stay Safe

    This week in our assemblies we have been using the NSPCC resources for Speak Out, Stay Safe. It is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a s...
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  • 08/02/24

    Celebrating our Achievements

    Well done to all you Merit Winners! Each week we have one child from each class who receives the award in assembly followed by hot chocolate and cookies in Mr Emery’s room. We hear about all their wonderful achievements, what they enjoy doing out of school and they get to ask Mr Emery que...
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  • 02/02/24

    Our Curriculum

    We are proud of the curriculum we have for all our children at TRJS to succeed and excel, and that encourages and motivates them to BE THEIR BEST.  Our curriculum has always been broad and ambitious, covering all subjects of the statutory national curriculum, and beyond. It...
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  • 26/01/24

    World Food

    This week Year 6 have been using their culinary skills to make a delicious guacamole as part of their 'World Food' topic in Design and Technology lessons. Children have explored the Eatwell plate, recapping their knowledge of the food groups and using this to make sure their recipe was based...
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  • 19/01/24

    Over To You...

    On Wednesday this week, several BRAVE pupils presented to the rest of school in our assembly on the theme ‘How do you prepare for a special event?’. We were treated to interesting, funny and confident presentations, with props, pictures and photos. Presentations included: the build-up to...
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  • 21/12/23

    TRJS - the place to be this Christmas

    Well done to all of our children and families for a brilliant Christmas Carol Service in St James's Church yesterday. We listened to Year 6 readers tell us about the different meanings of Christmas, watched Year 3 share with us the Nativity story and listened to loud, joyful singing from everyon...
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