Latest News

You will find 'lite-bites' of information in this section. If you need something else, check out the Newsletters section for weekly updates and Diary Dates which are also frequently updated.

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  • 10/03/17

    Governors' Open Morning

    On Thursday this week, we welcomed a selection of our Governors to school: Mr Wells, Mrs Watling, Mrs Brant, Mrs Cowgill, Mrs Budge and Mr Lloyd-Jones. The Open Morning was designed for Governors to witness our ‘Policies in Practice’ with each Governor taking a specific focus on an aspect of inte...
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  • 03/03/17

    Golden Time

    Last half term the children were surveyed to find out about the most popular Golden Time activities. This half term teachers have selected a range of options from the choices they made. We will have: Make & Create, Disco Colouring, Dodgeball, Playdough, Biscuit decorating and Tea part...
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  • 10/02/17

    INSET DAY - Fri. 17th Feb.

    Please remember that the children finish school on Thursday 16th February as Friday 17th February is an INSET day.   You will see cars in the car park because staff are all in training.   We return to school on Monday 28th February.
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  • 03/02/17

    Dates for your diary...

    World Book Day – We will be marking World Book Day in school with a week of work based around a book. The week (from 27th Feb – 3rd March) will include a range of activities, which Miss Murfin our Literacy leader has planned, a visit to the library and also some visitors in school. We will not be...
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  • 27/01/17

    Young Voices 2017

    Congratulations to the 100 strong choir who attended the Young Voices Concert yesterday.   We had the most amazing time and I was incredibly proud of the children, not only for their energetic and enthusiastic singing, but also for their behaviour which was exceptional...
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  • 20/01/17

    Parent Forum

    We will be holding our next Parent Forum meeting on Wednesday 1st February. We really welcome your contributions, questions and comments for our meeting. Please either e-mail them in to, pass them to a member of staff or to one of the...
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  • 13/01/17

    Can You Help?

    Sainsbury’s Active Kids 2017 launches on 25th January and we very much hope to be able to look forward to your fantastic support with collecting vouchers. In the past we have collected enough vouchers to completely restock our toy sheds and I know the children will be really grateful if we ar...
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  • 06/01/17

    Extra-Curricular Clubs

    Please see Newsletter 15 - 6.01.17 for the superb selection of extra-curricular activities that we have on offer this term. Thank you to our marvellous staff who are willing to give so freely of their time to provide such great experiences for our children.   Clubs are booked on a f...
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  • 16/12/16

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

    Thank you so much from all of the staff, for all of the wonderful cards, presents and kind messages we have received in school over the last few days. We are incredibly grateful.   All that remains is to wish you a very happy, healthy and enjoyable Christmas break.   We...
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  • 09/12/16

    Dates for your diary...

    As we know, parents like to get organised and book annual leave / family holidays often over a year in advance. Go to Newsletter 13 (9.12.16) to find term dates for the remainder of this academic year and next year too. N.B. Schools must allocate 5 INSET days per year.
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  • 02/12/16

    Christmas Dates...

    Busy few weeks ahead... Pop these dates onto your calendar: *Fri. 9th Dec. - Christmas Lunch *Mon. 12th Dec. - Choir singing at TRIS *Wed. 14th Dec. - Wear Christmas jumpers with uniform today ready for our Carol Service in St. James' Church - 2pm, followed by drinks and cakes at...
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  • 25/11/16

    Governor Impact Newsletter 2016

    Governors produce an annual newsletter for parents highlighting their impact on developments in and affecting the school. Individual reports from the chairs of our main committees follow with a concluding piece by the Chair of the Governing Body. This has been emailed out to parents along wit...
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