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- 30/06/23
What was life like in Ancient Egypt?
Year 3 are currently learning about Ancient Egypt in our History, Art and English lessons. We wrote diary entries from Leila, the daughter of a sesh, who befriends a magical goddess cat called Vera (Bastet). In Art, we have been drawing a symmetrical picture of Tutankhamun's death mask. In Histo...Read Full Story - 22/06/23
Twycross Zoo
On Wednesday 21st June, Year 4 had a great time visiting Twycross Zoo. The children took part in a ‘Life in the Rainforest’ activity led by centre staff, as well as having time to explore the zoo and learn about the habitats, food chains and threats to wildlife during the visit. We all h...Read Full Story - 16/06/23
My Secret Diary
Year 6 have been spending some time learning about how World War 2 affected people in Britain, focusing on evacuation, rationing and the daily lives of ordinary adults and children. Last week they had a World War 2 experience day at Cannock Chase. In Maths, they looked at rationing coupons and what...Read Full Story - 09/06/23
It's a Puppet!
This week, Year 3 finished off making their puppets, using overstitch to secure the pieces of felt together and cutting and marking features directly onto it. In previous lessons, we had investigated different types of puppet, made a prototype finger puppet, and designed our own thinking about purpo...Read Full Story - 09/05/23
Coronation Dinner
On Friday we had a special dinner to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Children were invited to design the menu for the day, incorporating traditional dishes or new ideas. They created pages of a recipe book, designed menu cards for a banquet, drew and labelled and co...Read Full Story - 04/05/23
Roman Mosaics
Year 4 have been learning about the Romans in their History lessons. They read 'Escape from Pompeii' in English and wrote some fantastic stories based on this book. In Art, the children have been learning about mosaics and how they were created, then designed and made their own. Don't th...Read Full Story - 27/04/23
Dogs Trust
This week we have been taking part in workshops on how to be 'Dog Smart'. We learnt that dogs all have different personalities and feelings so we can never know how friendly a dog might be. We practised how to stroke a dog that belongs to someone else, making sure that the first thing w...Read Full Story - 21/04/23
Big Awards
Congratulations to the winners of our English and Maths Big Awards for the Spring term. In our ceremony this week, we awarded eight trophies to two children in each year group for excellent progress, attainment, effort or achievement in English or Maths. Teachers gave a short speech o...Read Full Story - 26/03/23
Famous Footballers
On Thursday 23rd March, a group of children from Year 5 and 6 were lucky enough to visit St George’s Park to watch the England U21 national team train. We were able to watch the whole training session and get some top tips on attacking and defending with training led by head coach Lee Ca...Read Full Story - 15/03/23
Enterprise Project Launch
Have you ever wanted to be your own boss? Do you have a bright idea? Could you be the next Young Apprentice? Then this is the project for you. Over the next 12 weeks, your challenge is to grow the £1 given to you by school into as much money as you can. Hav...Read Full Story - 10/03/23
World Book Day
Where is your favourite place to read? That is what we asked each other at TRJS last week to celebrate World Book Day. Many children brought in a photo of them reading in their favourite place - some more snuggly and cosy than others! Well done to all who took part in the competition. The winne...Read Full Story - 01/03/23
Climate Changers
Today, our Year 5 'Climate Changers' presented to the whole school information and thought-provoking facts about our climate. Oscar told us what climate change is, Freya talked about Greta Thunberg and Daisy gave us the facts about deforestation. Adam shared his knowledge of BECCS which...Read Full Story