Latest News

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  • 16/10/20

    Picture This

    Year 3 have been busy designing and making photo frames this term to hold those special family memories. They looked at existing photo frames, made prototypes to see how a frame works (and how it doesn't! Learning from our mistakes is a vital part of the design process) and drew out and labelled...
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  • 09/10/20

    Pouring Pots

    Year 4 are learning all about life in Ancient Greece this half term. They have been looking at Greek pots of different design and shape. This week in D.T. lessons, they experimented with making their own pot prototype out of plasticine that was able to pour out water successfully without drippi...
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  • 02/10/20

    Here We Are

    "We’re glad you found us as space is very big... you're never alone on Planet Earth". Year 5 have been re-connecting and re-engaging with school life through studying the book ‘Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth’ by Oliver Jeffers. They explored the themes...
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  • 25/09/20

    Hapa Zome

    Year 6 got out in the sunshine this week to create their own Hapa Zome - natural dye cloth printing - as part of their Art learning about images of plants and flowers. They picked violas and cyclamen, and chose a variety of leaf shapes from the trees on our field and Sensory Garden, arrang...
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  • 18/09/20

    Mindful Mantra

    "I am strong, amazing, brave and optimistic...The day is a new challenge... I was born ready!" This week, we are learning our TRJS Mindful Mantra to remind us of the wonderful, unique people we are and how we can help ourselves to have a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) and be resilient w...
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  • 02/09/20

    Welcome Back!

    It is so exciting to be able to finally welcome all of our children back to TRJS, with a special welcome to our new Year 3 children and families. We cannot wait to meet you all and share stories and memories of our time away from school. We will be focusing on reconnecting relationships with ea...
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  • 22/06/20

    Windrush Day

    Today - June 22nd - is Windrush Day, commemorating the day that the ship Empire Windrush arrived in Britain bringing over 500 migrants from the Caribbean. You can watch the video at  to find out about these people, and why we celebrate W...
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  • 05/06/20

    Healthy Mind and Body

    Every afternoon we set a lesson activity which has a focus on health, safety and wellbeing. This week I asked you to send me the posters you had designed to show people what you were doing in lockdown to keep your mind and body in good health. I had many entries and the quality was so high it w...
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  • 31/05/20

    Zoooooooming into the last half term

    Welcome back! We can't tell you how excited we are to be seeing all your lovely, smiley faces in our Zoom tutor-group meetings this week. Look out in your email for a Zoom invitation from your morning teacher. The invite will include the time the session starts. Bring along a pencil and pap...
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  • 17/05/20

    Rainbow Learners

    We nominated nine new Rainbow Learners last week. Every day we are stunned by the children’s resilience, determination and commitment to their learning, but also in the million ways they find to entertain themselves. We’ve had children heading off on their own family...
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  • 23/04/20

    Let Battle Commence!

    Get ready to take part in our next TT Rockstars battle. The final round of the house battle will be live between 9am-12 noon on Friday 24th Friday. The current scores after the first two rounds are: 1st Bassett     25,395           2nd...
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  • 31/03/20

    Thank You, Heroes

    TRJS staff and pupils say a HUGE thank you to all of the heroic keyworkers keeping our country safe and continuing to function at this time.  Thank you Will C in Y3 for the wonderful artwork - our keyworkers are indeed brave, kind and fantastic! 
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