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  • 20/03/20


    We are now closed to the majority of Thomas Russell Junior School pupils. We will operate a skeleton staff providing care for Key Workers (whilst they are at work) and also provision for Vulnerable children, including those entitled to Free School Meals. If you think this applies to you, p...
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  • 18/03/20

    Questions - please ask or email:

    The health and wellbeing of our children and staff in both schools remains our priority alongside our continued efforts to maintain our high levels of teaching and learning which takes place daily. We continue to follow all hygiene routines and preventions in school as previously shared with you...
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  • 06/03/20

    Who won the Pancake Race?

    Last week we held the inaugural TRJS Pancake Races! First in assembly we learnt about the ways that people celebrate the start of Lent around the world, and what the meaning of Lent is, before heading outside onto the playground in House teams. Participants were cheered on as they raced to...
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  • 07/02/20

    Find Your Brave

    At TRJS this week we have focused on our mental health and the ways we can help to keep ourselves mentally healthy. Activities have been going on all week all over school, including daily mindful breathing exercise in every class, Our assemblies have focused on the theme of the week: Find Your Brave...
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  • 31/01/20

    Question Time

    Welcome to Debating Club! Each week, participants take on roles debating the pros and cons of a hot topic. This week's topic was 'Do footballers get paid too much?' and last week was 'Should we be given homework?'! Debaters take it in turns to take on a different role, including...
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  • 24/01/20

    Football Fantastic

    Last night our fantastic Y5 and Y6 boys footballers took part in EFL Football Cup at Dove Valley. After playing brilliantly through the rounds, they reached the final. This was a tough match but our team played brilliantly, and although many watching on the sidelines thought they had played bet...
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  • 14/01/20

    Animated Learning

    This half term, Year 4 are creating their own animations in Computing lessons. They started the topic by learning about animation in the past, including in flipbooks and thaumatropes. Here are a couple of the successful thaumatropes - it really did look like the bird was in the cage!
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  • 13/12/19

    Roaring Rivers

    Over this half term, Year 5 have been learning the key physical and human features associated with rivers, including our local River Trent. In D.T. lessons we made our own river models from a range of materials that could be used to teach others about the key physical features. We had to problem sol...
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  • 06/12/19


    With only ten school days to go, we are getting in to the Christmas spirit at TRJS. On Monday, local faith leaders came in to talk to us about Advent and gave each class an Advent Calendar. Each day as we open a new door we tell the next step in the Nativity Story. Our Christmas Service prep...
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  • 29/11/19

    This club is bananas!

    At TRJS we have a huge number of lunchtime and after school clubs that the majority of our children participate in. There is something to suit everyone, from a huge range of sports, to art and crafts, words and language, games, nature, music... If you can think of a club we do not currently do that...
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  • 22/11/19

    Mindfulness is a Superpower!

    Put simply, mindfulness is “to pay attention, on purpose, to the present moment”. We want to use mindfulness with our school community to: •Help children reduce stress and anxiety; •Increase concentration and engagement; •Sleep better; •Improve social s...
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  • 15/11/19

    Say No to Bullying

    Anti-Bullying Week happens in schools across England each November. We have been thinking about this year's theme 'Change Starts With Us' in our assemblies this week.  The week is co-ordinated across the country by the Anti-Bullying Alliance (https://www.anti-bullyingalliance.o...
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