Parent Forum News
We had a really lively and interesting Parent Forum meeting on Wednesday and were pleased to welcome a slightly larger group than we have seen in the past.
Items up for discussion included: Curriculum Timetabling, Swimming Eyes, Parking, Parent Consultations, ParentPay, Newsletters, Parent Workshop suggestions including Internet Safety for parents and Children’s Wellbeing (part 2) with children, SATs results, School Website and Building works for the new classroom amongst other things. Please watch out for the full minutes from the meeting in the next week or so, but for now…
Mrs Cowgill brought a question from School Council to see if it would be possible to get the raised beds and quad growing area back in full use again as the children love growing (and eating!) their own produce at lunchtimes. We have lots of equipment and willing children but are missing someone to oversee the running of such an initiative. Mrs Pick has bravely volunteered to lead the task of getting both areas back into a usable condition but she would very much welcome some extra help.
Do you have the skills to help reinforce the sleepers in the raised bed? Do you have a contact for some free top soil? Are you able to donate some fruit bushes / vegetable plants, etc.? Could you spare some time (once or on a regular basis) to help the children learn more about gardening and growing? We would very much like to hear from you if you can help. Thank you!
We also took photographs of all of our new Parent Forum members for this year, so will be updating the website and Parent Forum display in the entrance hall soon. It’s not too late if you feel like you’d be interested in having your say on some of the things listed above or any other aspect of school. Our next meeting will be Friday 31st January.